Denmark Central Business Register (Centrale Virksomhedsregister - CVR) - BODS version 0.2 (2025-03-06)

Denmark’s beneficial ownership data is collected by the Danish Business Authority in the Danish Central Business Register (aka CVR — Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister).

You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates.

These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. This dataset is published under the Open Data Commons Attribution License. Visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data.


Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,675,248 296588 429797 1044705
statementType string 1,675,248 ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement
statementDate date 1,675,248 2021-04-07 2021-05-27 2020-01-23
isComponent boolean 1,675,248 False False False
statementID string 1,675,248 6629764476026542478 10934179525921842659 1082839186109533000
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement string 1,675,248 5750072875468697232 7130505834478196352 15647242162556465280
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 1,675,248 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 1,675,248
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 1,675,248 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2024-02-01
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 1,675,248 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 1,675,248
source_assertedBy boolean 1,675,248 None None None
source_description string 1,675,248 DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister
source_retrievedAt date 1,675,248 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2024-02-01
source_type string 1,675,248 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 1,675,248
subject_describedByEntityStatement string 1,675,248 13137850104390206110 2853988600666466542 14121348084177242126
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 2,772,629 1092839.interests.0 1321359.interests.1 1444241.interests.1
_link_ooc_statement string 2,772,629 1092839 1321359 1444241
type string 2,772,629 shareholding voting-rights voting-rights
startDate date 2,772,629 2022-05-23 2009-03-09 2013-11-04
share_exact string 2,772,629 25 50 100
share_maximum string 2,772,629 25 50 100
share_minimum string 2,772,629 25 50 100
endDate date 854,942 2023-11-30 2019-02-28 2021-06-25
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 513,110 167732 170759 275766
statementType string 513,110 personStatement personStatement personStatement
isComponent boolean 513,110 False False False
statementID string 513,110 4309256666853043535 12584190694406599913 15343561664506400901
personType string 513,110 knownPerson knownPerson knownPerson
statementDate date 513,110 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-21
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 513,110 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 513,110
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 513,110 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-21
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 513,110 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 513,110
source_assertedBy boolean 513,110 None None None
source_description string 513,110 DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister
source_retrievedAt date 513,110 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-21
source_type string 513,110 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 513,110
replacesStatements string 93,482 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,026,220 248093.identifiers.0 406785.identifiers.1 328769.identifiers.0
_link_person_statement string 1,026,220 248093 406785 328769
id string 1,026,220 4004135439 /entities/11464323665989461348 4000037652
schemeName string 1,026,220 DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister OpenOwnership Register DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister
uri string 513,110 None /entities/11464323665989461348 None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 513,110 511587.names.0 90426.names.0 444624.names.0
_link_person_statement string 513,110 511587 90426 444624
fullName string 513,110 Teodor Yonkov Todorov Henrik Thierry Zhi Tang
type string 513,110 individual individual individual
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 472,822 346544.addresses.0 5268.addresses.0 115684.addresses.0
_link_person_statement string 472,822 346544 5268 115684
address string 472,822 Lufthavnsvej 2, Sønderborg, 6400 Baunesvinget 1, Lynge, 3540 Pilestrædet 15, Nykøbing M, 7900
country string 472,822 DK DK DK
type string 472,822 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 502,278 144998.nationalities.0 188520.nationalities.0 309902.nationalities.0
_link_person_statement string 502,278 144998 188520 309902
code string 502,278 DK DK DK
name string 502,278 Denmark Denmark Denmark
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,142,898 529287 517752 246130
statementType string 1,142,898 entityStatement entityStatement entityStatement
entityType string 1,142,898 registeredEntity registeredEntity registeredEntity
foundingDate date 1,134,842 2009-01-01 2016-12-12 2017-07-03
statementID string 1,142,898 2355220399810889645 17869736764420586695 4615177464841300992
statementDate date 1,142,898 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2023-06-20
isComponent boolean 1,142,898 False False False
name string 1,142,898 Jørgen Nørgaards Fond af 1986. En fejlbehandlets mindefond. Explore Travel A/S Vinovida ApS
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code string 1,142,898 DK DK DK
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name string 1,142,898 Denmark Denmark Denmark
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 1,142,898 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 1,142,898
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 1,142,898 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 1,142,898 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 1,142,898
dissolutionDate date 181,164 None None None
replacesStatements string 638,178 7502003112281265391 14539949167256872239 None
alternateNames string 129,080 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,134,821 220000.addresses.0 614839.addresses.0 915121.addresses.0
_link_entity_statement string 1,134,821 220000 614839 915121
address string 1,134,821 c/o Henrik Geert Precht Larsen, Volstrupvej 71, Sæby, 9300 Rahbeks Alle 21, Frederiksberg C, 1801 c/o Peter Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Kongensgade 2, 1, Helsingør, 3000
country string 1,134,821 DK DK DK
type string 1,134,821 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 3,767,237 355085.identifiers.1 838359.identifiers.2 638328.identifiers.2
_link_entity_statement string 3,767,237 355085 838359 638328
id string 3,767,237 /entities/15005698379093134930 /entities/9242460689651949768
scheme string 1,489,492 None None None
schemeName string 3,767,237 OpenCorporates OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
uri string 2,624,339 /entities/15005698379093134930 /entities/9242460689651949768