Denmark Central Business Register (Centrale Virksomhedsregister - CVR) (2024-06-07)

Denmark’s beneficial ownership data is collected by the Danish Business Authority in the Danish Central Business Register (aka CVR — Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister).

You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. Read full details about Denmark’s CVR on the Open Ownership Register website or visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data. You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. This dataset is published under the Open Data Commons Attribution License. Read full details about Denmark’s CVR on the Open Ownership Register website or visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data.


Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,366,699 1060546 152649 1323599
statementType string 1,366,699 ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement
statementDate date 1,366,699 2023-10-18 2017-10-08 2023-07-04
isComponent boolean 1,366,699 False False False
statementID string 1,366,699 11281869734600496231 5278001183806154901 15654487459439466904
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement string 1,366,699 6277985329476647930 1868941385240468864 10803190045419862507
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 1,366,699 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 1,366,699
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 1,366,699 2024-02-02 2023-06-20 2024-06-06
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 1,366,699 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 1,366,699
source_assertedBy boolean 1,366,699 None None None
source_description string 1,366,699 DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister
source_retrievedAt date 1,366,699 2024-02-02 2023-06-20 2024-06-06
source_type string 1,366,699 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 1,366,699
subject_describedByEntityStatement string 1,366,699 4574022949596731445 16443708676760243719 11047038553361902419
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 2,269,401 107694.interests.1 585186.interests.1 981957.interests.1
_link_ooc_statement string 2,269,401 107694 585186 981957
type string 2,269,401 voting-rights voting-rights voting-rights
startDate date 2,269,401 2014-03-19 2022-02-23 2023-10-02
share_exact string 2,269,401 100 37.5 100
share_maximum string 2,269,401 100 37.5 100
share_minimum string 2,269,401 100 37.5 100
endDate date 692,570 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 483,979 114122 319230 48360
statementType string 483,979 personStatement personStatement personStatement
isComponent boolean 483,979 False False False
statementID string 483,979 3733987822360433431 5175678852784447523 14558454607857415851
personType string 483,979 knownPerson knownPerson knownPerson
statementDate date 483,979 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 483,979 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 483,979
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 483,979 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 483,979 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 483,979
source_assertedBy boolean 483,979 None None None
source_description string 483,979 DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister
source_retrievedAt date 483,979 2023-06-20 2023-06-21 2023-06-20
source_type string 483,979 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 483,979
replacesStatements string 73,312 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 967,958 78221.identifiers.1 376540.identifiers.1 219053.identifiers.1
_link_person_statement string 967,958 78221 376540 219053
id string 967,958 /entities/16564740125039099754 /entities/16755320875322905871 /entities/9389632352115728861
schemeName string 967,958 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
uri string 483,979 /entities/16564740125039099754 /entities/16755320875322905871 /entities/9389632352115728861
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 483,979 277985.names.0 242160.names.0 391847.names.0
_link_person_statement string 483,979 277985 242160 391847
fullName string 483,979 Astrid Nørgaard Cortzen Jannik Stefansen Riis Hamideh Samadi
type string 483,979 individual individual individual
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 446,488 244162.addresses.0 455826.addresses.0 69805.addresses.0
_link_person_statement string 446,488 244162 455826 69805
address string 446,488 Stenbækvej 30, Faaborg, 5600 Margrethevej 12, Fuglebjerg, 4250 Hellevangen 15, Måløv, 2760
country string 446,488 DK DK DK
type string 446,488 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 473,708 416092.nationalities.0 31303.nationalities.0 344544.nationalities.0
_link_person_statement string 473,708 416092 31303 344544
code string 473,708 DK DK DK
name string 473,708 Denmark Denmark Denmark
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 872,187 615339 197015 26812
statementType string 872,187 entityStatement entityStatement entityStatement
entityType string 872,187 registeredEntity registeredEntity registeredEntity
foundingDate date 866,264 2008-08-28 2017-06-30 2016-09-23
statementID string 872,187 12283258735867501827 5388930072854610471 12024618685067549304
statementDate date 872,187 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
isComponent boolean 872,187 False False False
name string 872,187 BUTTERFLY WOMEN SØNDERBORG ApS. CasaStillo Holding ApS Windfeld Ejendomme ApS
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code string 872,187 DK DK DK
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name string 872,187 Denmark Denmark Denmark
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 872,187 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 872,187
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 872,187 2023-12-18 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 872,187 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 872,187
dissolutionDate date 154,006 None None None
replacesStatements string 379,827 12570151459641717205 None None
alternateNames string 93,815 Apex Fitness ApS,Butterfly Fitness ApS None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 866,247 16820.addresses.0 523891.addresses.0 243232.addresses.0
_link_entity_statement string 866,247 16820 523891 243232
address string 866,247 c/o Jens Simonsen, Gummesmarkvej 7, Bramming, 6740 Ryvangs Allé 22, st, København Ø, 2100 Burholt 19, Hadsund, 9560
country string 866,247 DK DK DK
type string 866,247 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 2,724,500 175730.identifiers.0 198112.identifiers.1 473483.identifiers.1
_link_entity_statement string 2,724,500 175730 198112 473483
id string 2,724,500 39331489
scheme string 986,049 DK-CVR None None
schemeName string 2,724,500 Danish Central Business Register OpenCorporates OpenCorporates
uri string 1,852,313 None