Denmark’s beneficial ownership data is collected by the Danish Business Authority in the Danish Central Business Register (aka CVR — Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister).
You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. Read full details about Denmark’s CVR on the Open Ownership Register website or visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data. You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. This dataset is published under the Open Data Commons Attribution License. Read full details about Denmark’s CVR on the Open Ownership Register website or visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 1,366,699 | 1060546 | 152649 | 1323599 |
statementType | string | 1,366,699 | ownershipOrControlStatement | ownershipOrControlStatement | ownershipOrControlStatement |
statementDate | date | 1,366,699 | 2023-10-18 | 2017-10-08 | 2023-07-04 |
isComponent | boolean | 1,366,699 | False | False | False |
statementID | string | 1,366,699 | 11281869734600496231 | 5278001183806154901 | 15654487459439466904 |
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement | string | 1,366,699 | 6277985329476647930 | 1868941385240468864 | 10803190045419862507 |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 1,366,699 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 1,366,699 | | | |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 1,366,699 | 2024-02-02 | 2023-06-20 | 2024-06-06 |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 1,366,699 | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 1,366,699 | | | |
source_assertedBy | boolean | 1,366,699 | None | None | None |
source_description | string | 1,366,699 | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister |
source_retrievedAt | date | 1,366,699 | 2024-02-02 | 2023-06-20 | 2024-06-06 |
source_type | string | 1,366,699 | officialRegister | officialRegister | officialRegister |
source_url | string | 1,366,699 | | | |
subject_describedByEntityStatement | string | 1,366,699 | 4574022949596731445 | 16443708676760243719 | 11047038553361902419 |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 2,269,401 | 107694.interests.1 | 585186.interests.1 | 981957.interests.1 |
_link_ooc_statement | string | 2,269,401 | 107694 | 585186 | 981957 |
type | string | 2,269,401 | voting-rights | voting-rights | voting-rights |
startDate | date | 2,269,401 | 2014-03-19 | 2022-02-23 | 2023-10-02 |
share_exact | string | 2,269,401 | 100 | 37.5 | 100 |
share_maximum | string | 2,269,401 | 100 | 37.5 | 100 |
share_minimum | string | 2,269,401 | 100 | 37.5 | 100 |
endDate | date | 692,570 | None | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 483,979 | 114122 | 319230 | 48360 |
statementType | string | 483,979 | personStatement | personStatement | personStatement |
isComponent | boolean | 483,979 | False | False | False |
statementID | string | 483,979 | 3733987822360433431 | 5175678852784447523 | 14558454607857415851 |
personType | string | 483,979 | knownPerson | knownPerson | knownPerson |
statementDate | date | 483,979 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-21 | 2023-06-20 |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 483,979 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 483,979 | | | |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 483,979 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-21 | 2023-06-20 |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 483,979 | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 483,979 | | | |
source_assertedBy | boolean | 483,979 | None | None | None |
source_description | string | 483,979 | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister | DK Centrale Virksomhedsregister |
source_retrievedAt | date | 483,979 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-21 | 2023-06-20 |
source_type | string | 483,979 | officialRegister | officialRegister | officialRegister |
source_url | string | 483,979 | | | |
replacesStatements | string | 73,312 | None | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 967,958 | 78221.identifiers.1 | 376540.identifiers.1 | 219053.identifiers.1 |
_link_person_statement | string | 967,958 | 78221 | 376540 | 219053 |
id | string | 967,958 | /entities/16564740125039099754 | /entities/16755320875322905871 | /entities/9389632352115728861 |
schemeName | string | 967,958 | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register |
uri | string | 483,979 | /entities/16564740125039099754 | /entities/16755320875322905871 | /entities/9389632352115728861 |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 483,979 | 277985.names.0 | 242160.names.0 | 391847.names.0 |
_link_person_statement | string | 483,979 | 277985 | 242160 | 391847 |
fullName | string | 483,979 | Astrid Nørgaard Cortzen | Jannik Stefansen Riis | Hamideh Samadi |
type | string | 483,979 | individual | individual | individual |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 446,488 | 244162.addresses.0 | 455826.addresses.0 | 69805.addresses.0 |
_link_person_statement | string | 446,488 | 244162 | 455826 | 69805 |
address | string | 446,488 | Stenbækvej 30, Faaborg, 5600 | Margrethevej 12, Fuglebjerg, 4250 | Hellevangen 15, Måløv, 2760 |
country | string | 446,488 | DK | DK | DK |
type | string | 446,488 | registered | registered | registered |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 473,708 | 416092.nationalities.0 | 31303.nationalities.0 | 344544.nationalities.0 |
_link_person_statement | string | 473,708 | 416092 | 31303 | 344544 |
code | string | 473,708 | DK | DK | DK |
name | string | 473,708 | Denmark | Denmark | Denmark |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 872,187 | 615339 | 197015 | 26812 |
statementType | string | 872,187 | entityStatement | entityStatement | entityStatement |
entityType | string | 872,187 | registeredEntity | registeredEntity | registeredEntity |
foundingDate | date | 866,264 | 2008-08-28 | 2017-06-30 | 2016-09-23 |
statementID | string | 872,187 | 12283258735867501827 | 5388930072854610471 | 12024618685067549304 |
statementDate | date | 872,187 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-20 |
isComponent | boolean | 872,187 | False | False | False |
name | string | 872,187 | BUTTERFLY WOMEN SØNDERBORG ApS. | CasaStillo Holding ApS | Windfeld Ejendomme ApS |
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code | string | 872,187 | DK | DK | DK |
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name | string | 872,187 | Denmark | Denmark | Denmark |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 872,187 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 872,187 | | | |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 872,187 | 2023-12-18 | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-20 |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 872,187 | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register | OpenOwnership Register |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 872,187 | | | |
dissolutionDate | date | 154,006 | None | None | None |
replacesStatements | string | 379,827 | 12570151459641717205 | None | None |
alternateNames | string | 93,815 | Apex Fitness ApS,Butterfly Fitness ApS | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 866,247 | 16820.addresses.0 | 523891.addresses.0 | 243232.addresses.0 |
_link_entity_statement | string | 866,247 | 16820 | 523891 | 243232 |
address | string | 866,247 | c/o Jens Simonsen, Gummesmarkvej 7, Bramming, 6740 | Ryvangs Allé 22, st, København Ø, 2100 | Burholt 19, Hadsund, 9560 |
country | string | 866,247 | DK | DK | DK |
type | string | 866,247 | registered | registered | registered |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 2,724,500 | 175730.identifiers.0 | 198112.identifiers.1 | 473483.identifiers.1 |
_link_entity_statement | string | 2,724,500 | 175730 | 198112 | 473483 |
id | string | 2,724,500 | 39331489 | | |
scheme | string | 986,049 | DK-CVR | None | None |
schemeName | string | 2,724,500 | Danish Central Business Register | OpenCorporates | OpenCorporates |
uri | string | 1,852,313 | None | | |