GLEIF (2024-04-15)

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) is tasked with supporting the implementation and use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). GLEIF “enables smarter, less costly and more reliable decisions about who to do business with” by providing “open, standardised and high quality legal entity reference data” to uniquely identify companies. This open data includes its Level 2 Data on who owns whom.

The corporate ownership data collected and published openly by GLEIF is not beneficial ownership data as it does not identify the natural persons at the end of ownership chains but Open Ownership has mapped a combination of as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. Level 1 and Level 2 Data to version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard in order to analyse and learn more from layering this data on top of beneficial ownership data sources.

You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard. This dataset is published under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication licence.


Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 3,889,269 331928 3303501 691222
statementID string 3,889,269 bf3f3ed5-08a1-4b93-0949-1e8cd25dd27d 590ef7ff-6e17-8800-287d-5b38c6e455bd f3b9ca16-c110-2e0d-151d-29bd7bc06b83
statementType string 3,889,269 ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement
subject_describedByEntityStatement string 3,889,269 3f96ca85-b665-7e3f-72b6-9e0bfd72b379 c6dcee01-d0e7-955d-dca3-a219c341039d 4a76ba79-346b-ca41-d370-43a75e91e67a
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement string 1,360,258 None 3e93300c-5406-5fba-e59a-f8ca2410a2fb None
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 3,889,269 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 3,889,269 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 3,889,269
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 3,889,269 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 3,889,269
source_type string 3,889,269 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_description string 3,889,269 GLEIF GLEIF GLEIF
interestedParty_describedByEntityStatement string 2,529,011 5b3ab739-78bc-e269-6348-696528407a70 None a67c2a5f-27b4-de0c-d855-1b34e2d2433b
statementDate date 418,248 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 3,889,269 2312641.interests.0 2765812.interests.0 3014934.interests.0
_link_ooc_statement string 3,889,269 2312641 2765812 3014934
type string 3,889,269 other-influence-or-control other-influence-or-control other-influence-or-control
interestLevel string 3,889,269 indirect indirect direct
beneficialOwnershipOrControl boolean 3,889,269 False False False
details string 3,471,021 A controlling interest. A controlling interest. A controlling interest.
startDate datetime 418,248 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 3,471,021 527917.annotations.0 278241.annotations.0 3586417.annotations.0
_link_ooc_statement string 3,471,021 527917 278241 3586417
motivation string 3,471,021 commenting commenting commenting
description string 3,471,021 The nature of this interest is unknown The nature of this interest is unknown The nature of this interest is unknown
statementPointerTarget string 3,471,021 /interests/0/type /interests/0/type /interests/0/type
creationDate date 3,471,021 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
createdBy_name string 3,471,021 Open Ownership Open Ownership Open Ownership
createdBy_uri string 3,471,021
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 1,360,258 217925 173832 920530
statementID string 1,360,258 7f86418d-f57b-4bc7-8c4d-8c85ee13f28a cea9caa4-4caa-fd2f-dd0d-3389cb5098f6 b5c1cd10-6062-0e8f-e8fd-ed7900baed3b
statementType string 1,360,258 personStatement personStatement personStatement
personType string 1,360,258 unknownPerson unknownPerson unknownPerson
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 1,360,258 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 1,360,258 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 1,360,258
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 1,360,258 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 1,360,258
source_type string 1,360,258 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_description string 1,360,258 GLEIF GLEIF GLEIF
unspecifiedPersonDetails_reason string 1,360,258 interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure
unspecifiedPersonDetails_description string 1,360,258 From LEI ExemptionReason `NATURAL_PERSONS`. An unknown natural person or persons controls an entity. From LEI ExemptionReason `NATURAL_PERSONS`. An unknown natural person or persons controls an entity. From LEI ExemptionReason `NATURAL_PERSONS`. An unknown natural person or persons controls an entity.
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 4,715,752 581572 625639 4349681
statementID string 4,715,752 972f8fd3-9440-e831-5df4-edb813e96017 adf8dfb0-b7cc-8db7-72f9-9d03c2b5407c 917ca3d3-def4-5fff-e174-763984e73d90
statementType string 4,715,752 entityStatement entityStatement entityStatement
entityType string 4,715,752 registeredEntity unknownEntity registeredEntity
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 4,715,752 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 4,715,752 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 4,715,752
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 4,715,752 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 4,715,752
source_type string 4,715,752 officialRegister,verified officialRegister officialRegister,verified
source_description string 4,715,752 GLEIF GLEIF GLEIF
unspecifiedEntityDetails_reason string 2,110,763 None interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure None
unspecifiedEntityDetails_description string 2,110,763 None From LEI ExemptionReason `NON_CONSOLIDATING`. The legal entity or entities are not obliged to provide consolidated accounts in relation to the entity they control. None
statementDate date 2,604,989 2023-02-22 None 2023-06-30
name string 2,604,989 茂名市农村信用合作社联合社 None BEHMFA Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG
foundingDate datetime 1,880,194 946483200000 None 1553644800000
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name string 2,604,989 China None Germany
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code string 2,604,989 CN None DE
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 5,209,978 1933517.identifiers.1 3172633.identifiers.1 2376151.identifiers.0
_link_entity_statement string 5,209,978 1933517 3172633 2376151
id string 4,937,871 989 148 257 78205113 335800DRY6YBZ9Q4JZ93
scheme string 2,604,989 None None XI-LEI
schemeName string 5,209,978 RA000472 RA000170 Global Legal Entity Identifier Index
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 5,209,978 4169590.addresses.0 1867403.addresses.1 1384348.addresses.0
_link_entity_statement string 5,209,978 4169590 1867403 1384348
type string 5,209,978 registered business registered
address string 5,209,978 Csóka utca 11., Szentendre PIAZZA BRA', 16, VERONA Hoogbraak 46, Baarle-Nassau
country string 5,209,978 HU IT NL
postCode string 5,135,269 2000 37121 5111CT