The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) is tasked with supporting the implementation and use of the_Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). GLEIF “enables smarter, less costly and more reliable decisions about who to do business with” by providing “open, standardised and high quality legal entity reference data” to uniquely identify companies. This open data includes its Level 2 Data on who owns whom.
The corporate ownership data collected and published openly by GLEIF is not beneficial ownership data as it does not identify the natural persons at the end of ownership chains but Open Ownership has mapped a combination of Level 1 and Level 2 Data to version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard in order to analyse and learn more from layering this data on top of beneficial ownership data sources.
We have published a data use guide with information about how we have represented change over time and how specific fields have been mapped. Our blog post about updating this mapping shares some of our learnings from this work, including particular challenges of mapping to BODS 0.2.
You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. This dataset is published under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication licence.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,457,578 | 2656456 | 3545109 | 4544380 |
statementID | string | 5,457,578 | 3a86c927-ec13-9c2c-28ff-f7c7a17793e8 | e542bc8e-fd65-d4b9-1c84-8b4baf8e904a | 98334083-966c-e9ff-59e6-71b9bc7fe4ab |
statementType | string | 5,457,578 | ownershipOrControlStatement | ownershipOrControlStatement | ownershipOrControlStatement |
statementDate | date | 5,457,578 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 |
subject_describedByEntityStatement | string | 5,457,578 | 71b04186-fc27-6359-296b-fd9017f17d3a | ccabfa23-89ce-3e64-e746-8c0dc1c00aec | d9293664-4c52-b90b-b55c-e87cf72c690d |
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement | string | 2,701,929 | None | 6866dbbd-2468-b639-0ab2-2ae71c32e3ba | None |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 5,457,578 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 5,457,578 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 5,452,507 | | | |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 5,457,578 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 5,452,507 | | | |
source_type | string | 5,452,507 | officialRegister | officialRegister | officialRegister |
source_description | string | 5,452,507 | GLEIF | GLEIF | GLEIF |
interestedParty_describedByEntityStatement | string | 2,755,649 | b8e26fa2-8f99-6b1b-f011-86b769ef3dd5 | None | 9c51657f-7290-4421-e366-6b7b990b2c57 |
replacesStatements | string | 154,105 | None | None | None |
isComponent | boolean | 5,071 | None | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,452,507 | 63365.interests.0 | 128454.interests.0 | 1095925.interests.0 |
_link_ooc_statement | string | 5,452,507 | 63365 | 128454 | 1095925 |
type | string | 5,452,507 | other-influence-or-control | other-influence-or-control | other-influence-or-control |
interestLevel | string | 5,452,507 | direct | indirect | direct |
beneficialOwnershipOrControl | boolean | 5,452,507 | False | False | False |
details | string | 5,452,507 | A controlling interest. | A controlling interest. | A controlling interest. |
startDate | datetime | 557,414 | None | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 10,352,891 | 5047164.annotations.1 | 4947470.annotations.1 | 1789852.annotations.1 |
_link_ooc_statement | string | 10,352,891 | 5047164 | 4947470 | 1789852 |
motivation | string | 10,352,891 | commenting | commenting | commenting |
description | string | 10,352,891 | This statement was created due to a NO_KNOWN_PERSON GLEIF Reporting Exception for 724500JGV6VZJB299N29 | This statement was created due to a NATURAL_PERSONS GLEIF Reporting Exception for 254900ASUEZVFL3JHZ84 | This statement was created due to a NATURAL_PERSONS GLEIF Reporting Exception for 8156002DC26B47899640 |
statementPointerTarget | string | 10,352,891 | / | / | / |
creationDate | date | 10,352,891 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
createdBy_name | string | 10,352,891 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
createdBy_uri | string | 10,352,891 | | | |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 2,720,461 | 1267868 | 64291 | 2302795 |
statementID | string | 2,720,461 | ebcfb7c5-d03f-720d-0629-0fdc903bfb87 | a174e74d-ce52-846b-5f8a-003b5ed40823 | 8ef4fc57-2998-87db-ac62-b25a7121def2 |
statementType | string | 2,720,461 | personStatement | personStatement | personStatement |
statementDate | date | 2,720,461 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 |
personType | string | 2,720,461 | unknownPerson | unknownPerson | unknownPerson |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 2,720,461 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 2,720,461 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 2,701,929 | | | |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 2,720,461 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 2,701,929 | | | |
source_type | string | 2,701,929 | officialRegister | officialRegister | officialRegister |
source_description | string | 2,701,929 | GLEIF | GLEIF | GLEIF |
unspecifiedPersonDetails_reason | string | 2,701,929 | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure |
unspecifiedPersonDetails_description | string | 2,701,929 | From LEI ExemptionReason `NATURAL_PERSONS`. An unknown natural person or persons controls an entity. | From LEI ExemptionReason `NATURAL_PERSONS`. An unknown natural person or persons controls an entity. | From LEI ExemptionReason `NO_KNOWN_PERSON`. There is no known person(s) controlling the entity. |
isComponent | boolean | 18,532 | None | None | None |
replacesStatements | string | 18,532 | None | None | None |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 2,720,461 | 2462992.annotations.0 | 351581.annotations.0 | 1066009.annotations.0 |
_link_person_statement | string | 2,720,461 | 2462992 | 351581 | 1066009 |
motivation | string | 2,720,461 | commenting | commenting | commenting |
description | string | 2,720,461 | This statement was created due to a NO_KNOWN_PERSON GLEIF Reporting Exception for 894500VZ3HKCLXUEML26 | This statement was created due to a NATURAL_PERSONS GLEIF Reporting Exception for 335800KMEH9MBZVYPM54 | This statement was created due to a NATURAL_PERSONS GLEIF Reporting Exception for 254900TYTLDJZQJC9467 |
statementPointerTarget | string | 2,720,461 | / | / | / |
creationDate | date | 2,720,461 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
createdBy_name | string | 2,720,461 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
createdBy_uri | string | 2,720,461 | | | |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,206,047 | 4821346 | 5164511 | 1117926 |
statementID | string | 5,206,047 | 1ba116fe-5293-f923-8e74-e186b7134a46 | 02ec726e-bab1-23ad-49fe-6f0462e7078d | caa6c600-784c-db26-8dc7-7efb9fc2e7a1 |
statementType | string | 5,206,047 | entityStatement | entityStatement | entityStatement |
statementDate | date | 5,206,047 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 | 2024-06-06 |
entityType | string | 5,206,047 | unknownEntity | unknownEntity | unknownEntity |
name | string | 2,974,117 | None | None | None |
foundingDate | datetime | 2,247,568 | None | None | None |
replacesStatements | string | 318,863 | None | None | None |
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name | string | 2,974,117 | None | None | None |
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code | string | 2,974,117 | None | None | None |
publicationDetails_publicationDate | date | 5,206,047 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
publicationDetails_bodsVersion | number | 5,206,047 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
publicationDetails_license | string | 5,167,281 | | | |
publicationDetails_publisher_name | string | 5,206,047 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
publicationDetails_publisher_url | string | 5,167,281 | | | |
source_type | string | 5,167,281 | officialRegister | officialRegister | officialRegister |
source_description | string | 5,167,281 | GLEIF | GLEIF | GLEIF |
isComponent | boolean | 38,766 | None | None | None |
unspecifiedEntityDetails_reason | string | 2,193,164 | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure | interested-party-exempt-from-disclosure |
unspecifiedEntityDetails_description | string | 2,193,164 | From LEI ExemptionReason `NON_CONSOLIDATING`. The legal entity or entities are not obliged to provide consolidated accounts in relation to the entity they control. | From LEI ExemptionReason `NON_CONSOLIDATING`. The legal entity or entities are not obliged to provide consolidated accounts in relation to the entity they control. | From LEI ExemptionReason `NON_CONSOLIDATING`. The legal entity or entities are not obliged to provide consolidated accounts in relation to the entity they control. |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,948,234 | 3177740.identifiers.1 | 840724.identifiers.1 | 1174133.identifiers.1 |
_link_entity_statement | string | 5,948,234 | 3177740 | 840724 | 1174133 |
id | string | 5,652,458 | 4764045 | U67100HR2007PTC037355 | 2350810 |
scheme | string | 2,974,117 | None | None | None |
schemeName | string | 5,948,234 | RA000602 | RA000394 | RA000629 |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,948,234 | 2412239.addresses.1 | 119465.addresses.1 | 4793760.addresses.0 |
_link_entity_statement | string | 5,948,234 | 2412239 | 119465 | 4793760 |
type | string | 5,948,234 | business | business | registered |
address | string | 5,948,234 | Gewerbering 6a, Bexbach | AU GARMENDI NULL, Azpeitia | Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell |
country | string | 5,948,234 | DE | ES | GB |
postCode | string | 5,865,110 | 66450 | 20730 | MK16 9JJ |
Field Name | Field Type | Field Count | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 |
_link | string | 5,206,047 | 4728592.annotations.0 | 3955648.annotations.0 | 2662529.annotations.0 |
_link_entity_statement | string | 5,206,047 | 4728592 | 3955648 | 2662529 |
motivation | string | 5,206,047 | commenting | commenting | commenting |
description | string | 5,206,047 | This statement was created due to a NON_CONSOLIDATING GLEIF Reporting Exception for 959800YMEE4QSBBF7817 | GLEIF data for this entity - LEI: 98450038X6F639CC8G79; Registration Status: ISSUED | This statement was created due to a NON_CONSOLIDATING GLEIF Reporting Exception for 959800SCWXTKD36AXQ46 |
statementPointerTarget | string | 5,206,047 | / | / | / |
creationDate | date | 5,206,047 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 |
createdBy_name | string | 5,206,047 | Open Ownership | Open Ownership | Open Ownership |
createdBy_uri | string | 5,206,047 | | | |