Slovakia Public Sector Partners Register (Register partnerov verejného sektora - RPVS) (2024-06-07)

Slovak companies and foreign companies operating in Slovakia have to report beneficial owners (‘Konečného užívateľa výhod’) to the Slovakia Public Sector Partners Register (Register partnerov verejného sektora - aka RPVS) when they benefit from public funding or conduct business with the state.

You can see how Open Ownership has ingested, mapped and transformed this data in line with version 0.2 of our Beneficial Ownership Data Standard  as well as how we reconcile and enrich this using bulk data from OpenCorporates. These mappings are currently a work in progress and should be treated with caution. This dataset is published under the Open Data Commons Attribution License. Read full details about Slovakia’s Public Sector Partners Register on the Open Ownership Register website or visit our dashboard to gain insights into this data.


Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 140,999 94177 62408 92233
statementType string 140,999 ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement ownershipOrControlStatement
statementDate date 140,999 2021-09-25 2017-10-05 2020-12-01
isComponent boolean 140,999 False False False
statementID string 140,999 6181484850473411368 2155384744892191776 16003916070347747646
interestedParty_describedByPersonStatement string 140,999 15766107777360893360 10886127584066858630 7299649866369873165
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 140,999 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 140,999
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 140,999 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 140,999 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 140,999
source_assertedBy boolean 140,999 None None None
source_description string 140,999 SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora
source_retrievedAt date 140,999 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
source_type string 140,999 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 140,999
subject_describedByEntityStatement string 140,999 16445581214648314170 7438059920940320372 9236492405977504491
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 119,968 74870 105619 111668
statementType string 119,968 personStatement personStatement personStatement
birthDate date 119,968 1983-03-06 1958-01-07 1971-09-16
statementID string 119,968 16307901832021513420 403172443680126356 1276996961659337785
isComponent boolean 119,968 False False False
statementDate date 119,968 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-10-06
personType string 119,968 knownPerson knownPerson knownPerson
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 119,968 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 119,968
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 119,968 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-10-06
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 119,968 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 119,968
source_assertedBy boolean 119,968 None None None
source_description string 119,968 SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora
source_retrievedAt date 119,968 2023-06-20 2023-06-20 2023-10-06
source_type string 119,968 officialRegister officialRegister officialRegister
source_url string 119,968
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 119,967 39345.addresses.0 111457.addresses.0 36217.addresses.0
_link_person_statement string 119,967 39345 111457 36217
address string 119,967 8/A Moldavská cesta, Košice - mestská časť Juh, 040 11 8/A Karadžičova, Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, 82108 23 Im Vogelsang, Niederzissen, 56651
country string 119,967 SK PL DE
type string 119,967 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 239,936 39387.identifiers.0 83134.identifiers.1 68208.identifiers.0
_link_person_statement string 239,936 39387 83134 68208
id string 239,936 /entities/5020847060610328574 86237 /entities/13912468965439346967
schemeName string 239,936 OpenOwnership Register SK Register Partnerov Verejného Sektora OpenOwnership Register
uri string 119,968 /entities/5020847060610328574 None /entities/13912468965439346967
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 119,968 88169.names.0 74677.names.0 40541.names.0
_link_person_statement string 119,968 88169 74677 40541
fullName string 119,968 Zdeněk Černý Jaroslav Kopúnek Eduard Grečner
type string 119,968 individual individual individual
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 119,968 97997.nationalities.0 74777.nationalities.0 55378.nationalities.0
_link_person_statement string 119,968 97997 74777 55378
code string 119,968 SK IT SK
name string 119,968 Slovakia Italy Slovakia
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 48,410 44781 13615 23876
statementType string 48,410 entityStatement entityStatement entityStatement
entityType string 48,410 registeredEntity registeredEntity registeredEntity
foundingDate date 36,414 2000-04-03 2011-02-19 1993-11-15
statementID string 48,410 9702352898707738309 3458535926485509894 15407827311243951929
statementDate date 48,410 2024-03-02 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
isComponent boolean 48,410 False False False
name string 48,410 BERNDORF BÄDERBAU s.r.o. Dr.Max 16 s.r.o. FESTO spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným
incorporatedInJurisdiction_code string 48,337 CZ SK SK
incorporatedInJurisdiction_name string 48,337 Czech Republic Slovakia Slovakia
publicationDetails_bodsVersion number 48,410 0.2 0.2 0.2
publicationDetails_license string 48,410
publicationDetails_publicationDate date 48,410 2024-03-02 2023-06-20 2023-06-20
publicationDetails_publisher_name string 48,410 OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register OpenOwnership Register
publicationDetails_publisher_url string 48,410
dissolutionDate date 859 None None None
replacesStatements string 8,016 10823123201442799575 None None
alternateNames string 4 None None None
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 48,337 29875.addresses.0 43014.addresses.0 12043.addresses.0
_link_entity_statement string 48,337 29875 43014 12043
address string 48,337 74 Sobôtka, Rimavská Sobota, 97901 16 Karadžičova, Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, 82108 20 Februárová, Krnča, 95619
country string 48,337 SK SK SK
type string 48,337 registered registered registered
Field Name Field Type Field Count Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
_link string 135,610 17222.identifiers.1 36301.identifiers.1 30525.identifiers.1
_link_entity_statement string 135,610 17222 36301 30525
id string 135,610
scheme string 50,320 None None None
schemeName string 135,610 OpenCorporates OpenCorporates OpenCorporates
uri string 87,184